When candidates are searching jobs and applying in different companies, they should be thoroughly prepared for some basic questions that will set them apart from the rest of the candidates. Answering those questions correctly and with confidence is the key. No employee comes 100% trained for the job, what employer seeks is the right type of attitude in the potential candidate and their flexibility to adjust in the environment to learn and comprehend things.
These are some questions which are asked very commonly and the whole judgement of the candidate usually depends on this only:
- Introduce yourself to usÂ
Most of the interviews start from this question, through which the interviewer judges the confidence level of the candidate. So one shouldn’t stumble while answering this and tell about their educational background and hobbies. Mentioning about your goal in life or curiosity to learn more things should be added to create an impression on the interviewer.
- Why do you want to work in this particular organization
By asking this question, the interviewer analyzes how well the candidate has done their homework in knowing about the company through their official website or contacts. They want to know how passionate the candidate is to work for the company. At this point, you can even ask the interviewer questions related to the company to show your eagerness towards knowing the company better.
- How do you came across this job
Such questions don’t require the candidate to tell the source of the job, in fact these questions focus more on how well the candidate knows about the company. Candidates can answer in a way which will show their eagerness to work with the company and what motivates them the best about this company.
- Share something about your resume
When these questions are asked, the interviewer wants to know about those achievements of the candidate which are most important and something they are very proud of. It can be related to any field so candidate can talk in detail about it.
- Why are you searching for a job
This question helps the interviewer to filter answers from the candidate about their previous job, what was the reason for leaving it or if they were fired. They also want to know the future work plans of the candidate.
- Why should the company hire you
When this question is asked, the candidate must keep in their mind that the interviewer wants to hear about those achievements of the candidate which can prove beneficial for the company. They can mention all those skills which will help the company achieve its goals.
- What do you see yourself doing in the next 5 years
It is a strategic question in which the interviewer wants to know if the direction is clear in the mind of the candidate for their future. The answers should be realistic and should give a good understanding of how the candidate wants to mold their career in the next five years. Individual goals and growth are some of the factors that help to define the mindset of the candidate.
- Share any conflict which you experienced in your previous work
These questions help to evaluate the candidate based on their problem solving skills and ability to deal with stress and pressure. It is suggested to think before about this question so that the answer can be given with confidence.
- What is your dream job
By asking such questions, the interviewers want to see how realistic are the goals of the candidate and what planning have they done to achieve it in a specific time frame.
- Expectations from the team
Such questions analyze the team working capabilities of the candidate and what will be their contribution if they are placed in a team. Such questions should be answered in a way that what type of good will they bring to the team which will help the company overall.
- Â Expectations from the manager
For such questions, the candidate should answer with utmost honesty by even mentioning to any current manager what expectations they have in general. Through this question, they want to know how you will perform as a team member.
- Â Ability to deal with stress
The candidate should express their ability to deal with stress in a positive and productive manner. Having a flexible attitude while dealing with stress will help you overcome the problems easily.
- Â What will be the first month in the position look like for you
Such questions will help the interviewer know how the candidate would perform in the first month, so one should answer by saying that they will use their expertise to the maximum to increase productivity for the company and try to know all their team members.
- Â Salary requirements
Not all companies ask this question but the candidate should give a market competitive amount keeping their prior experience and expertise in mind.
- Â Do you have any questions to ask us
This question is asked to see if the candidate has any confusions or queries with the interview. Candidates can use this as a base to stand out by making a list of relevant questions rather than simply saying no.