We unintentionally click on different ads while scrolling social media without realizing what they are. This is termed as content marketing.
Various advertisements have disguised content. Usage of different funny memes, inspiring stories of people have much more meaning than what the ad is showing. Such advertisements promote positive and good emotions in the consumers. It convinces them to buy the product based on the emotion they are reflecting in the advertisement. The mixture of content marketing and social media together, is very powerful. If the product which they are selling is of addictive nature, it becomes very dangerous for the audience. The impact caused on the audience can be alarming.
Least engagement
If a brand can successfully create a positive emotional connection with its audience, they don’t require a lot of effort to make sales. Positive connect with the audience derives more sales. In fact, hard sales and direct call to action will do the opposite over here. It results in consumers constructing increased mental fortifications once they realize what they are being sold.
To diminish its impact, ads of content marketing are designed to trigger less cognitive engagement. In fact, this makes the audience giggle. Through this, a brand can change its image from market crier to a friendly brand. This technique in today’s world helps to gain social media followers. As the audience likes and comments on the post, it gains drive which is a holy grail for the marketers. Using correct humor will gauge audience attention.
Psychological fortifications
Brands vary according to what they sell, some sell meat and at the same time some are selling addictive products. For such brands content marketing is very important to cover the main motive behind what they are selling. Content marketing is used as a shield to hide the addictive nature of the product. There is one target audience for whom the effects can be very dangerous.
It is for kids under 25. Including children who are below 16, they get affected the most. As they tend to like, share, and comment on these posts the most. Children have less skills to identify the intensity of an ad like adults do. At this age, the curiosity to explore is the most and it gives children the direction to navigate things which they shouldn’t.
When presented with content marketing, it is difficult for children to identify the intent of the post. They are easily persuaded to purchase the product and explore more through the given links.
For example, gambling content marketing is much more appealing because of its addictive nature to all age groups. This makes it more serious that the authority responsible for advertising standards won’t control content marketing, it only controls where there is a specific mention of the product and service making consumers turn off.
It is important to wisely scroll social media, but all that glitter is not gold. It may lead to some addictions and wrong consumption of products which might have a long-run impact on the personality and development of human beings.